Thursday, July 19, 2007


Attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are positive, negative or neutral views of an "attitude object": i.e. a person, behaviour or event. People can also be "ambivalent" towards a target, meaning that they simultaneously possess a positive and a negative bias towards the attitude in question.
Attitudes come from judgments. Attitudes develop on the ABC model (affect, behavioral change and cognition). The affective response is a physiological response that expresses an individual's preference for an entity. The behavioral intention is a verbal indication of the intention of an individual. The cognitive response is a cognitive evaluation of the entity to form an attitude. Most attitudes in individuals are a result of observational learning from their environment. The link between attitude and behavior exists but depends on human behavior, some of which is irrational. For example, a person who is for blood transfusion may not donate blood. This makes sense if the person does not like the sight of blood, which explains this irrationality.


Friendship is one of the most beautiful relation. Our family is given to us by birth, and we got our values and nature from our family. So, we are always compatible with our family. But, friends are the people chosen by us from the huge world of widely different natured people. Friend is a person who must have certain similarities and certain differences with our nature."Our similarities make us friends and our differences make it interesting."But finding a balance between similarities and differences is tough thing. We find people with various gud qualities. but their always certain differences which may hurt u sometimes. Now the decision which difference are ok, which differences you think shd not have.For example, I may not like my friend making fun of me, bashing about me with other people when i am not there. (It does not include sometimes teasing your friend). But I never appreciated making fun of or gossiping about weakness of other people. Wat they wanna to prove by this ? I also cannot appreciate people making fun of or gossiping about my friend before me, just to prove they are better than them or wat may be the reason ? If someone got hurt due to some behavior of my friend and sharing it with me, then it is different. But generally bashing or gossiping for just some of your enjoyment can never be appreciated.
So, this may be a difference of opinion, for someone it is just fun, enjoyment, nothing serious, nothing for hurting. They may also be right.
So, now it is tough decision to find gud weightage of their gud qualities and difference in opinion.

Pure Dreams

As I am used to of saying: Dreams are the most beautiful thing on earth. And among dreams, the dreams we know never come true, i love the most. They are pure dreams. There aren't any hopes and expectations associated with those dreams, and those are the two things which are the main reason of getting hurt. So, such dreams can never hurt us, can never depress us, these are really sweet and beautiful dreams.
Whenever we are feeling bit down, just start thinking about the dreams, just imagine its true, we start feeling happy again. And since we know these dreams can never be true, imagining about these dreams do not increase any hopes & expections (since these values are null with such dreams).
Those are really pure dreams, and helps you to have your smile with you always. Is anything else important than tat ? And tats why they r one of the role model of my life.